Jaipur: The public address system malfunctioned during a public event in Barmer, purportedly infuriating Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who hurled a microphone to the ground. On social media, a supposed video of the incident appeared.
The chief minister, who was seated, threw the microphone in the direction of the Barmer district collector, who was standing to his left. The collector took the microphone in hand. The chief minister received a second microphone.
The chief minister’s office refuted a previous interpretation of the video clip that the district collector was targeted by the microphone. An official stated, “The district collector was not the target of the microphone.”
The event took place on Friday night at the Barmer Circuit House as the chief minister was speaking with a group of ladies to get their input on various government programs targeted towards them.
The chief minister attempted to address the crowd, but the microphone broke, prompting him to hurl it in apparent frustration.
When the chief minister noticed other persons standing behind the group of women, he lost his control once more and asked them to leave.
“SP (Superintendent of Police), where are you? Collector and SP appear to be comparable, he said.
Gehlot was visiting Barmer for two days.
The women thanked the chief minister for raising the honorarium for Anganwadi workers and informed him of the various benefits of the schemes during the ceremony.