You are what you read. I think everyone relates to that. Your words shows your character and pretty much about your nature. Words and actions can make or destroy we all know that.
Before coming to read this what was your first thought about toxic people ?
I am asking this as i want to know your definition of it. Everyone says everything and we start judging people around. They have said these and that. Simple anyone destroying your mental peace and your emotions is toxic to you.
So let’s read on this article what you need to know all about:
Who are toxic people?
Toxic people are those who can’t see what you’re really like. They don’t know why you do things—why you’re angry, or quiet, or always smiling. They don’t know what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad. They just want to be told how great they are all the time, and they’ll try anything to get it. Person who wants “yes” from you all the time irrespective of the situation you are in is a big Red flag. You are not a sheep, don’t blindly trust anyone read the person ahead you.
What to do in this situation?
Ok so instead of juggling your thoughts try this :
- The best way to avoid being around toxic people is to remember that they don’t know you, and they don’t care about you or your needs. If someone is acting like a bully or otherwise acting like a jerk toward you, don’t let them make you feel bad! Remember that their behavior isn’t actually about YOU at all; it’s about them and their own insecurities and fears.
- Focus on your emotions instead of theirs! Toxic people will try to make you feel insecure by telling mean jokes or making fun of your looks—but no matter what they do, keep focus on yourself and your feelings instead! That’s where the real power lies: in knowing how YOU feel inside and making sure everyone else knows it too
- Try to make boundaries around yourself. Let them know what’s your personal space. Don’t let them come near that. Surround yourself with healthy talks and mature people.
- Empathize with yourself. You must aware of the fact that toxic people know how to heal themselves they are strong enough to protect themselves. Don’t be a empath towards them.
If you avoid or run away with situation they will come back to you. So instead of doing that focus on solving them. It ok everyone does mistakes and make some stupid decisions but that’s what life is about. Don’t cry over little things. And try to let your feelings out don’t supress it.