India’s one of the famous singers, Richa Archana Sharma, who is famous for her number “Kya Karu”, got famous in Bollywood, is about to release her latest song soon. She has achieved all this fame by tremendous hard working and dedication and self made her career as Singer. She doesn’t have any Godfather for her career although that has be a very important criteria for getting success and fame because she believes that her Hardworking is the Godfather which is indeed needed and that has to be the key to her ongoing successes. By this she want to achieve the target of becoming Leading Singer of the Industry which will create a different benchmark altogether.
These days where social media is playing a role of most important platforms which supports and highlights new unexplored talents, however it’s also a great responsibility when you give a good number to the industry and yours fan followers that your next number should be more hit and a better one, because success doesn’t stop in just one instance, that has to be consistent.
Along with playback singing, Richa has a good history of giving Live Shows and she has done more than 500 lives show till date wherein she has shared the stage with many renowned Bollywood Celebrities.
Recently a cover song named “Banjara” got released which got appreciated and liked by her fan followers in YouTube.