Prime Minister Narendra Modi commenced a particular 11-day rituals on January 11 as a part of his non secular preparations for the upcoming consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22. The Prime Minister expressed that this important day would mark the realisation of a longstanding pledge and the end result of desires that generations had fervently sacrificed for.
Throughout this 11-day interval, Modi has adopted a rigorous routine, embodying austerity and devotion. Sources say that he has been adhering to a easy way of life, sleeping on the ground with only a blanket and sustaining himself solely on coconut water. Moreover, he has been actively engaged in Gau-pooja (the worship of cows), a sacred follow in Hinduism. His every day routine additionally includes feeding cows and taking part in donating meals and distributing garments to these in want.
Because the graduation of this spiritual endeavor, Modi has balanced his non secular commitments along with his routine governmental duties, conducting official assignments throughout the nation.
In an announcement, Modi expressed that he sees himself as an instrument chosen by God to characterize all Indians in the course of the Pran Pratishtha (consecration) train.