Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, who’s at present busy in contesting for Lok Sabha elections, has come ahead to help fellow actor Raveena Tandon after an alarming highway rage incident in Mumbai. The altercation occurred on late-Saturday night time in Bandra, the place Tandon’s automobile was concerned in a contentious scenario.
Kangana Ranaut expressed her outrage on Instagram, condemning the assault on Tandon. She wrote, no matter occurred to Raveena Tandon ji was completely alarming, that if there had been 5–6 extra folks within the reverse group, she may have been lynched. She additionally stated that she condemns such highway rage outbursts and believes that they need to be punished.
The incident unfolded when Raveena Tandon’s driver was accused of hitting a pedestrian. As tensions escalated, she stepped out of the automobile to calm the scenario, throughout which she was pushed and struck by people within the crowd. In a video that has since gone viral, she is seen pleading with the gang to not hit her.
Accusations flew within the aftermath, with some claiming that Tandon and her driver assaulted a lady, inflicting sufferer’s nostril to bleed. One man alleged that her driver hit his mom with the automobile and accused Raveena of being inebriated when she reportedly assaulted the ladies.
Nonetheless, an investigation by the Mumbai Police, bolstered by CCTV footage, cleared Raveena and her driver of those allegations. The footage revealed that the automobile didn’t hit anybody, reversing slowly and thoroughly with out inflicting hurt.
Regardless of the preliminary chaos, no FIR has been filed. As an alternative, a station diary entry has been made on the Khar Police Station. Each events concerned visited the station and supplied written statements, finally deciding to not pursue grievances in opposition to one another.
The incident has sparked a big response on social media, with many rallying behind her and condemning the violence she confronted. Ranaut’s vocal help has added to the rising discourse on the necessity for stricter measures in opposition to highway rage and public violence.