The twelfth record of seven candidates for the Lok Sabha elections, that are scheduled to begin on Friday, was introduced by the BJP on Tuesday. Among the many seven candidates is Chhatrapati Udayanraje Bhosale, the thirteenth descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who will contest from Satara, Maharashtra, and Abhijit Das Bobby, who represents Diamond Harbour in West Bengal.
The present MP for the Trinamool Congress, Abhishek Banerjee, has been paired towards Abhijit Das Bobby, who contested unsuccessfully for the Diamond Harbour seat within the normal elections of 2009 and 2014.
Abhishek Banerjee received within the 2014 Lok Sabha elections with 40.31 % of the vote, whereas Abhijit Das secured 15.92 % of the vote to complete third. Dr. Abul Hasnat of CPI(M), who obtained 34.66% of the vote, got here in second.
With 7,91,127 votes, the chief of the Trinamool Congress occasion was in a position to maintain onto the seat in 2019. Nilanjan Roy of the BJP obtained 4,70,533 votes, whereas Fuad Halim of the CPI(M) secured third place with 93,941 votes.
The thirteenth descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Chhatrapati Udayanraje Bhosale, is one other distinguished determine on the record. He’s contesting for the Satara Lok Sabha constituency in Maharashtra as a member of the BJP.
Within the 2019 by-election, Bhosale—a former chief of the NCP who joined the BJP in 2022—misplaced the seat. There was a back-and-forth within the seat on the Lok Sabha election candidate between the BJP and NCP.
Shashikant Shinde has obtained his ticket from the NCP (SP).
Shashank Mani Tripathi from Deoria and Thakur Vishwadeep Singh from Firozabad are the ultimate candidates on the BJP’s twelfth record.
In Uttar Pradesh, there are two seats.
In the meantime, Union Minister Som Prakash’s spouse Anita Som Prakash, who’s a resident of Punjab, will contest for the Hoshiarpur seat in lieu of her husband.
Manjeet Singh Manna Miawind from Khadoor Sahib and Parampal Kaur Sidhu from Bathinda are the opposite two candidates, each of whom are from Punjab.