While granting bail to a man accused of raping his live-in partner, Justice Siddharth bashed the idea of a live-in relationship in his order on Tuesday.
“We are proceeding to create great problem for us in future. There is systematic design to destroy the institution of marriage in this country and destabilise the society and hinder the progress of our country,” he stated.
The representation of infidelity in marriages and live-in’s in TV serials consequently attracts the youth said the court.
“The youth get attracted to such philosophy being… unaware of the long-term consequences,” he added in the order.
The order states how it becomes difficult for the women to find a partner for marriage.
Which is not the case for the male partners.
“There is no dearth of cases coming to the courts where the female partner of an erstwhile live-in-relationship commit suicide out of disgust caused by social ill behaviour” stated the order.
“…the social middle-class norms, irrespective of religion of the female partner, militate against her efforts to regain her social status,” said the court in its order.
The applicant’s lawyer submitted that the victim was in a live-in relationship with the applicant for a year.
After which she entered into a physical relation with consent and got pregnant.